Meet the Puentes Advisory Board


Melanie Estrada

CU Boulder


Marbella Guzman

CU Denver


Jhoanna Juarez

CSU Fort Collins


Jonathan Hernandez

CU Boulder


Paola Garcia

University of Denver

When will the scholarship be applied to my student account?

Typically, the Office of Financial Aid will complete the Cost of Attendance form after the census date to confirm your enrollment. The census date varies at each institution but it is usually about two weeks after the first day of classes. After the Denver Foundations receives the Cost of Attendance form, they will send a check to your institution. Please be prepared to make out of pocket payments for supplies and housing at the onset of each semester. 

Will I receive a refund?

In most cases, scholars will not receive a refund as this is a last-dollar scholarship; however, there is a chance you may receive a refund based on the Cost of Attendance form. If scholars do receive a refund, we highly encourage for it to be used to purchase school supplies and pay for off-campus housing. 

DACA Renewals

The Puentes scholarship also offers financial assistance for DACA applications and renewal fees! Contact the Puentes Coordinator at least two weeks prior to submitting an application. There will be no reimbursements for this fee as the checks will be made out directly to USCIS.

Can Puentes help pay for my summer classes?

Yes! Just remember that this will be considered one of the ten terms the scholarship can provide assistance for.

What if I fall out of Good Academic Standing?

Any student who falls below a 2.0 cumulative GPA will need to complete an academic appeal with Puentes and may have two additional semesters or quarters to raise their GPA. They will also be placed on an academic contract with specifications on expectations.